Package 'bsamGP'

Title: Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models using Gaussian Process Priors
Description: Contains functions to perform Bayesian inference using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors. Gaussian processes are represented with a Fourier series based on cosine basis functions. Currently the package includes parametric linear models, partial linear additive models with/without shape restrictions, generalized linear additive models with/without shape restrictions, and density estimation model. To maximize computational efficiency, the actual Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for each model is done using codes written in FORTRAN 90. This software has been developed using funding supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (no. NRF-2016R1D1A1B03932178 and no. NRF-2017R1D1A3B03035235).
Authors: Seongil Jo [aut, cre], Taeryon Choi [aut], Beomjo Park [aut, cre], Peter J. Lenk [ctb]
Maintainer: Beomjo Park <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2.5
Built: 2025-02-13 04:42:36 UTC

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Bayesian Quantile Regression


This function fits a Bayesian quantile regression model.


blq(formula, data = NULL, p, mcmc = list(), prior = list(), marginal.likelihood = TRUE)



an object of class “formula


an optional data frame.


quantile of interest (default=0.5).


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow (1000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (1) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis.


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated. The methods of Gelfand and Dey (1994) is used.


This generic function fits a Bayesian quantile regression model.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response, linearly. The model is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from an asymmetric Laplace distribution, ALDp(0,σ2)ALD_p(0,\sigma^2), which has the following probability density function:

ALDp(ϵ;μ,σ2)=p(1p)σ2exp((xμ)[pI(xμ)]σ2),ALD_p(\epsilon; \mu, \sigma^2) = \frac{p(1-p)}{\sigma^2}\exp\Big(-\frac{(x-\mu)[p - I(x \le \mu)]}{\sigma^2}\Big),

where 0<p<10 < p < 1 is the skew parameter, σ2>0\sigma^2 > 0 is the scale parameter, <μ<-\infty < \mu < \infty is the location parameter, and I()I(\cdot) is the indication function.

The conjugate priors are assumed for β\beta and σ\sigma:

βσN(m0,β,σ2V0,β),σ2IG(r0,σ2,s0,σ2)\beta | \sigma \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, \sigma^2V_{0,\beta}), \quad \sigma^2 \sim IG\Big(\frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2}, \frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\Big)


An object of class blm representing the Bayesian parametric linear model fit. Generic functions such as print and fitted have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood using Gelfand-Dey method.


correlation between yy and y^\hat{y}.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Gelfand, A. E. and Dey, K. K. (1994) Bayesian model choice: asymptotics and exact calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 501-514.

Kozumi, H. and Kobayashi, G. (2011) Gibbs sampling methods for Bayesian quantile regression. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1565-1578.

See Also

blr, gblr


# Simulated example #

# Simulate data

n <- 100
w <- runif(n)
y <- 3 + 2*w + rald(n, scale = 0.8, p = 0.5)

# Fit median regression
fout <- blq(y ~ w, p = 0.5)

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# Plots

Bayesian Linear Regression


This function fits a Bayesian linear regression model using scale invariant prior.


blr(formula, data = NULL, mcmc = list(), prior = list(), marginal.likelihood = TRUE)



an object of class “formula


an optional data frame.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow (1000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (1) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis.


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated.


This generic function fits a Bayesian linear regression model using scale invariant prior.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. The model for regression function is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from a normal distribution, N(0,σ2)N(0,\sigma^2).

The conjugate priors are assumed for β\beta and σ\sigma:

βσN(m0,β,σ2V0,β),σ2IG(r0,σ2,s0,σ2)\beta | \sigma \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, \sigma^2V_{0,\beta}), \quad \sigma^2 \sim IG\Big(\frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2}, \frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\Big)


An object of class blm representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print and fitted have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws and the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood.


correlation between yy and y^\hat{y}.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().

See Also

blq, gblr


# Simulated example #

# Simulate data

n <- 100
w <- runif(n)
y <- 3 + 2*w + rnorm(n, sd = 0.8)

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- blr(y ~ w)

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# Fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# Plots

Bayesian Semiparametric Density Estimation


This function fits a semiparametric model, which consists of parametric and nonparametric components, for estimating density using a logistic Gaussian process.


bsad(x, xmin, xmax, nint, MaxNCos, mcmc = list(), prior = list(),
smoother = c('geometric', 'algebraic'),
parametric = c('none', 'normal', 'gamma', 'laplace'), marginal.likelihood = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)



a vector giving the data from which the density estimate is to be computed.


minimum value of x.


maximum value of x.


number of grid points for plots (need to be odd). The default is 201.


maximum number of Fourier coefficients.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): kappaloop (5) giving the number of MCMC loops within each choice of kappa, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): gmax giving maximum value for gamma (default = 5), PriorProbs giving prior probability of parametric and semiparametric models, beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the parametric coefficients, r0 and s0 giving the hyperparameters of σ2\sigma^2 for the logits, u0 and v0 giving the hyperparameters of τ2\tau^2 for Fourier coefficients, PriorKappa and KappaGrid giving prior on the number of cosine terms.


types of smoothing priors for Fourier coefficients. See Details.


specifying a distribution of the parametric part to be test.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a semiparametric model, which consists of parametric and nonparametric, for density estimation (Lenk, 2003):

f(xβ,Z)=exp[h(x)β+Z(x)]Xexp[h(y)β+Z(y)]dG(y)f(x | \beta, Z) = \frac{\exp[h(x)^\top\beta + Z(x)]}{\int_\mathcal{X} \exp[h(y)^\top\beta + Z(y)]dG(y)}

where ZZ is a zero mean, second-order Gaussian process with bounded, continuous covariance function. i.e.,

E[Z(x),Z(y)]=σ(x,y),XZdG=0  (a.s.)E[Z(x), Z(y)] = \sigma(x,y), \quad \int_\mathcal{X}ZdG = 0 ~~(a.s.)

Using the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion, ZZ is represented as infinite series with random coefficients

Z(x)=j=1θjφj(x),Z(x) = \sum_{j=1}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x),

where {φj}\{\varphi_j\} is the cosine basis, φj(x)=2cos[jπG(x)]\varphi_j(x)=\sqrt{2}\cos[j\pi G(x)].

For the random Fourier coefficients of the expansion, two smoother priors are assumed (optional),

θjτ,γN(0,τ2exp[jγ]), j1 (geometric smoother)\theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1 ~ (geometric ~smoother)

θjτ,γN(0,τ2exp[ln(j+1)γ]), j1 (algebraic smoother)\theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \tau^2\exp[-ln(j+1)\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1 ~ (algebraic ~smoother)

The coefficient β\beta have the popular normal prior,

βm0,β,V0,βN(m0,β,V0,β)\beta | m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta} \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta})

To complete the model specification, independent hyper priors are assumed,

τ2r0,s0IGa(r0/2,s0/2)\tau^2 | r_0, s_0 \sim IGa(r_0/2, s_0/2)

γw0Exp(w0)\gamma | w_0 \sim Exp(w_0)

Note that the posterior algorithm is based on computing a discrete version of the likelihood over a fine mesh on X\mathcal{X}.


An object of class bsad representing the Bayesian spectral analysis density estimation model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood.


posterior probability of models.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Lenk, P. (2003) Bayesian semiparametric density estimation and model verification using a logistic Gaussian process. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 548-565.


## Not run: 
# Old Faithful geyser data #

# mcmc parameters
mcmc <- list(nblow = 10000,
	           smcmc = 1000,
	           nskip = 10,
	           ndisp = 1000,
	           kappaloop = 5)

# fits BSAD model
fout <- bsad(x = eruptions, xmin = 0, xmax = 8, nint = 501, mcmc = mcmc,
             smoother = 'geometric', parametric = 'gamma')

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# predictive density plot
plot(fit, ask = TRUE)


## End(Not run)

Bayesian Shape-Restricted Spectral Analysis Quantile Regression


This function fits a Bayesian semiparametric quantile regression model to estimate shape-restricted functions using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors.


bsaq(formula, xmin, xmax, p, nbasis, nint, mcmc = list(), prior = list(),
shape = c('Free', 'Increasing', 'Decreasing', 'IncreasingConvex', 'DecreasingConcave',
'IncreasingConcave', 'DecreasingConvex', 'IncreasingS', 'DecreasingS',
'IncMultExtreme','DecMultExtreme'), nExtreme = NULL,
marginal.likelihood = TRUE, spm.adequacy = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


a vector or scalar giving user-specific minimum values of x. The default values are minimum values of x.


a vector or scalar giving user-specific maximum values of x. The default values are maximum values of x.


quantile of interest (default=0.5).


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 200.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow0 (1000) giving the number of initialization period for adaptive metropolis, maxmodmet (5) giving the maximum number of times to modify metropolis, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): iflagprior choosing a smoothing prior for spectral coefficients (iflagprior=0 assigns T-Smoother prior (default), iflagprior=1 chooses Lasso-Smoother prior), theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the spectral coefficients (theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 are used when the functions have shape-restriction), tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior (When iflagprior=1, tau2_m0 is only used as the hyperparameter), beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response, alpha_m0 and alpha_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the constant of integration, iflagpsi determining the prior of slope for logisitic function in S or U shaped (iflagpsi=1 (default), slope ψ\psi is sampled and iflagpsi=0, ψ\psi is fixed), psifixed giving initial value (iflagpsi=1) or fixed value (iflagpsi=0) of slope, omega_m0 and omega_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the inflection point of S or U shaped function.


a vector giving types of shape restriction.


a vector of extreme points for 'IncMultExtreme', 'DecMultExtreme' shape restrictions.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated. The methods of Gelfand and Dey (1994) and Newton and Raftery (1994) are used.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood of linear model is calculated. The marginal likelihood gives the values of the linear regression model excluding the nonlinear parts.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian spectral analysis quantile regression model for estimating shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. For enforcing shape-restrictions, the model assumed that the derivatives of the functions are squares of Gaussian processes.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response through an unknown shape-restricted function. The model for estimating shape-restricted functions is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+k=1Kfk(xi,k)+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \sum_{k=1}^K f_k(x_{i,k}) + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where fkf_k is an unknown shape-restricted function of the scalar xi,k[0,1]x_{i,k} \in [0,1] and the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from an asymmetric Laplace distribution, ALDp(0,σ2)ALD_p(0,\sigma^2), which has the following probability density function:

ALDp(ϵ;μ,σ2)=p(1p)σ2exp((xμ)[pI(xμ)]σ2),ALD_p(\epsilon; \mu, \sigma^2) = \frac{p(1-p)}{\sigma^2}\exp\Big(-\frac{(x-\mu)[p - I(x \le \mu)]}{\sigma^2}\Big),

where 0<p<10 < p < 1 is the skew parameter, σ2>0\sigma^2 > 0 is the scale parameter, <μ<-\infty < \mu < \infty is the location parameter, and I()I(\cdot) is the indication function.

The prior of function without shape restriction is:

f(x)=Z(x),f(x) = Z(x),

where ZZ is a second-order Gaussian process with mean function equal to zero and covariance function ν(s,t)=E[Z(s)Z(t)]\nu(s,t) = E[Z(s)Z(t)] for s,t[0,1]s, t \in [0, 1]. The Gaussian process is expressed with the spectral representation based on cosine basis functions:

Z(x)=j=0θjφj(x)Z(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x)

φ0(x)=1  and  φj(x)=2cos(πjx), j1, 0x1\varphi_0(x) = 1 ~~ \code{and} ~~ \varphi_j(x) = \sqrt{2}\cos(\pi j x), ~ j \ge 1, ~ 0 \le x \le 1

The shape-restricted functions are modeled by assuming the qqth derivatives of ff are squares of Gaussian processes:

f(q)(x)=δZ2(x)h(x),  δ{1,1},  q{1,2},f^{(q)}(x) = \delta Z^2(x)h(x), ~~ \delta \in \{1, -1\}, ~~ q \in \{1, 2\},

where hh is the squish function. For monotonic, monotonic convex, and concave functions, h(x)=1h(x)=1, while for S and U shaped functions, hh is defined by

h(x)=1exp[ψ(xω)]1+exp[ψ(xω)],  ψ>0,  0<ω<1h(x) = \frac{1 - \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}{1 + \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}, ~~ \psi > 0, ~~ 0 < \omega < 1

For the spectral coefficients of functions without shape constraints, the scale-invariant prior is used (The intercept is included in β\beta):

θjσ,τ,γN(0,σ2τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_j | \sigma, \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \sigma^2\tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

The priors for the spectral coefficients of shape restricted functions are:

θ0σN(mθ0,σvθ02),θjσ,τ,γN(mθj,στ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_0 | \sigma \sim N(m_{\theta_0}, \sigma v^2_{\theta_0}), \quad \theta_j | \sigma, \tau, \gamma \sim N(m_{\theta_j}, \sigma\tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

To complete the model specification, the conjugate priors are assumed for β\beta and σ\sigma:

βσN(m0,β,σ2V0,β),σ2IG(r0,σ2,s0,σ2)\beta | \sigma \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, \sigma^2V_{0,\beta}), \quad \sigma^2 \sim IG\left(\frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2}, \frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\right)


An object of class bsam representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood for linear quantile regression model.

log marginal likelihood using Gelfand-Dey method.

log marginal likelihood using Netwon-Raftery method, which is biased.


correlation between yy and y^\hat{y}.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017) Bayesian Analysis of Shape-Restricted Functions using Gaussian Process Priors. Statistica Sinica, 27: 43-69.

Gelfand, A. E. and Dey, K. K. (1994) Bayesian model choice: asymptotics and exact calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 501-514.

Kozumi, H. and Kobayashi, G. (2011) Gibbs sampling methods for Bayesian quantile regression. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1565-1578.

Newton, M. A. and Raftery, A. E. (1994) Approximate Bayesian inference with the weighted likelihood bootstrap (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 3-48.

See Also

bsar, gbsar


## Not run: 
# Increasing-concave #

# Simulate data

n <- 200
x <- runif(n)
y <- log(1 + 10*x) + rald(n, scale = 0.5, p = 0.5)

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout1 <- bsaq(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.25, nbasis = nbasis,
              shape = 'IncreasingConcave')
fout2 <- bsaq(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.5, nbasis = nbasis,
              shape = 'IncreasingConcave')
fout3 <- bsaq(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.75, nbasis = nbasis,
              shape = 'IncreasingConcave')

# fitted values
fit1 <- fitted(fout1)
fit2 <- fitted(fout2)
fit3 <- fitted(fout3)

# plots
plot(x, y, lwd = 2, xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y')
lines(fit1$xgrid, fit1$wbeta$mean[1] + fit1$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=2)
lines(fit2$xgrid, fit2$wbeta$mean[1] + fit2$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=3)
lines(fit3$xgrid, fit3$wbeta$mean[1] + fit3$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=4)
legend('topleft', legend = c('1st Quartile', '2nd Quartile', '3rd Quartile'),
       lwd = 2, col = 2:4, lty = 1)

## End(Not run)

Bayesian Shape-Restricted Spectral Analysis Quantile Regression with Dirichlet Process Mixture Errors


This function fits a Bayesian semiparametric quantile regression model to estimate shape-restricted functions using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors. The model assumes that the errors follow a Dirichlet process mixture model.


bsaqdpm(formula, xmin, xmax, p, nbasis, nint,
mcmc = list(), prior = list(), egrid, ngrid = 500,
shape = c('Free', 'Increasing', 'Decreasing', 'IncreasingConvex', 'DecreasingConcave',
'IncreasingConcave', 'DecreasingConvex', 'IncreasingS', 'DecreasingS',
'IncreasingRotatedS', 'DecreasingRotatedS', 'InvertedU', 'Ushape'),
verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


a vector or scalar giving user-specific minimum values of x. The default values are minimum values of x.


a vector or scalar giving user-specific maximum values of x. The default values are maximum values of x.


quantile of interest (default=0.5).


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 200.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow0 (1000) giving the number of initialization period for adaptive metropolis, maxmodmet (5) giving the maximum number of times to modify metropolis, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): iflagprior choosing a smoothing prior for spectral coefficients (iflagprior=0 assigns T-Smoother prior (default), iflagprior=1 chooses Lasso-Smoother prior), theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the spectral coefficients (theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 are used when the functions have shape-restriction), tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior (When iflagprior=1, tau2_m0 is only used as the hyperparameter), beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response, alpha_m0 and alpha_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the constant of integration, iflagpsi determining the prior of slope for logisitic function in S or U shaped (iflagpsi=1 (default), slope ψ\psi is sampled and iflagpsi=0, ψ\psi is fixed), psifixed giving initial value (iflagpsi=1) or fixed value (iflagpsi=0) of slope, omega_m0 and omega_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the inflection point of S or U shaped function.


a vector giving grid points where the residual density estimate is evaluated. The default range is from -10 to 10.


a vector giving number of grid points where the residual density estimate is evaluated. The default value is 500.


a vector giving types of shape restriction.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian spectral analysis quantile regression model for estimating shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. For enforcing shape-restrictions, the model assumes that the derivatives of the functions are squares of Gaussian processes. The model also assumes that the errors follow a Dirichlet process mixture model.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response through an unknown shape-restricted function. The model for estimating shape-restricted functions is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+k=1Kfk(xi,k)+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \sum_{k=1}^K f_k(x_{i,k}) + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where fkf_k is an unknown shape-restricted function of the scalar xi,k[0,1]x_{i,k} \in [0,1] and the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from a Dirichlet process mixture of an asymmetric Laplace distribution, ALDp(0,σ2)ALD_p(0,\sigma^2), which has the following probability density function:

ϵif(ϵ)=ALDp(ϵ;0,σ2)dG(σ2),\epsilon_i \sim f(\epsilon) = \int ALD_p(\epsilon; 0,\sigma^2)dG(\sigma^2),

GDP(M,G0),  G0=Ga(σ2;r0,σ2,s0,σ2).G \sim DP(M,G0), ~~ G0 = Ga\left(\sigma^{-2}; \frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2},\frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\right).

The prior of function without shape restriction is:

f(x)=Z(x),f(x) = Z(x),

where ZZ is a second-order Gaussian process with mean function equal to zero and covariance function ν(s,t)=E[Z(s)Z(t)]\nu(s,t) = E[Z(s)Z(t)] for s,t[0,1]s, t \in [0, 1]. The Gaussian process is expressed with the spectral representation based on cosine basis functions:

Z(x)=j=0θjφj(x)Z(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x)

φ0(x)=1  and  φj(x)=2cos(πjx), j1, 0x1\varphi_0(x) = 1 ~~ \code{and} ~~ \varphi_j(x) = \sqrt{2}\cos(\pi j x), ~ j \ge 1, ~ 0 \le x \le 1

The shape-restricted functions are modeled by assuming the qqth derivatives of ff are squares of Gaussian processes:

f(q)(x)=δZ2(x)h(x),  δ{1,1},  q{1,2},f^{(q)}(x) = \delta Z^2(x)h(x), ~~ \delta \in \{1, -1\}, ~~ q \in \{1, 2\},

where hh is the squish function. For monotonic, monotonic convex, and concave functions, h(x)=1h(x)=1, while for S and U shaped functions, hh is defined by

h(x)=1exp[ψ(xω)]1+exp[ψ(xω)],  ψ>0,  0<ω<1h(x) = \frac{1 - \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}{1 + \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}, ~~ \psi > 0, ~~ 0 < \omega < 1

For the spectral coefficients of functions without shape constraints, the scale-invariant prior is used (The intercept is included in β\beta):

θjτ,γN(0,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

The priors for the spectral coefficients of shape restricted functions are:

θ0N(mθ0,vθ02),θjτ,γN(mθj,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_0 \sim N(m_{\theta_0}, v^2_{\theta_0}), \quad \theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(m_{\theta_j}, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

To complete the model specification, the popular normal prior is assumed for β\beta:

βN(m0,β,V0,β)\beta | \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta})


An object of class bsam representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log pseudo marginal likelihood using Mukhopadhyay and Gelfand method.


correlation between yy and y^\hat{y}.


the number of times to modify Metropolis.


proportion of θ\theta accepted after burn-in.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Kozumi, H. and Kobayashi, G. (2011) Gibbs sampling methods for Bayesian quantile regression. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(11), 1565-1578.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017) Bayesian Analysis of Shape-Restricted Functions using Gaussian Process Priors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 43-69.

MacEachern, S. N. and Müller, P. (1998) Estimating mixture of Dirichlet process models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 223-238.

Mukhopadhyay, S. and Gelfand, A. E. (1997) Dirichlet process mixed generalized linear models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 633-639.

Neal, R. M. (2000) Markov chain sampling methods for Dirichlet process mixture models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9, 249-265.

See Also

bsaq, bsardpm


## Not run: 
# Increasing-concave #

# Simulate data

n <- 500
x <- runif(n)
e <- c(rald(n/2, scale = 0.5, p = 0.5),
       rald(n/2, scale = 3, p = 0.5))
y <- log(1 + 10*x) + e

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout1 <- bsaqdpm(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.25, nbasis = nbasis,
                 shape = 'IncreasingConcave')
fout2 <- bsaqdpm(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.5, nbasis = nbasis,
                 shape = 'IncreasingConcave')
fout3 <- bsaqdpm(y ~ fs(x), p = 0.75, nbasis = nbasis,
                 shape = 'IncreasingConcave')

# fitted values
fit1 <- fitted(fout1)
fit2 <- fitted(fout2)
fit3 <- fitted(fout3)

# plots
plot(x, y, lwd = 2, xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y')
lines(fit1$xgrid, fit1$wbeta$mean[1] + fit1$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=2)
lines(fit2$xgrid, fit2$wbeta$mean[1] + fit2$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=3)
lines(fit3$xgrid, fit3$wbeta$mean[1] + fit3$fxgrid$mean, lwd=2, col=4)
legend('topleft',legend=c('1st Quartile','2nd Quartile','3rd Quartile'),
       lwd=2, col=2:4, lty=1)

## End(Not run)

Bayesian Shape-Restricted Spectral Analysis Regression


This function fits a Bayesian semiparametric regression model to estimate shape-restricted functions using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors.


bsar(formula, xmin, xmax, nbasis, nint, mcmc = list(), prior = list(),
shape = c('Free', 'Increasing', 'Decreasing', 'IncreasingConvex', 'DecreasingConcave',
'IncreasingConcave', 'DecreasingConvex', 'IncreasingS', 'DecreasingS',
'IncMultExtreme','DecMultExtreme'), nExtreme = NULL,
marginal.likelihood = TRUE, spm.adequacy = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


a vector or scalar giving user-specific minimum values of x. The default values are minimum values of x.


a vector or scalar giving user-specific maximum values of x. The default values are maximum values of x.


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 200.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow0 (1000) giving the number of initialization period for adaptive metropolis, maxmodmet (5) giving the maximum number of times to modify metropolis, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): iflagprior choosing a smoothing prior for spectral coefficients (iflagprior=0 assigns T-Smoother prior (default), iflagprior=1 chooses Lasso-Smoother prior), theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the spectral coefficients (theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 are used when the functions have shape-restriction), tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior (When iflagprior=1, tau2_m0 is only used as the hyperparameter), beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response, alpha_m0 and alpha_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the constant of integration, iflagpsi determining the prior of slope for logisitic function in S or U shaped (iflagpsi=1 (default), slope ψ\psi is sampled and iflagpsi=0, ψ\psi is fixed), psifixed giving initial value (iflagpsi=1) or fixed value (iflagpsi=0) of slope, omega_m0 and omega_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the inflection point of S or U shaped function.


a vector giving types of shape restriction.


a vector of extreme points for 'IncMultExtreme', 'DecMultExtreme' shape restrictions.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated. The methods of Gelfand and Dey (1994) and Newton and Raftery (1994) are used.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood of linear model is calculated. The marginal likelihood gives the values of the linear regression model excluding the nonlinear parts.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian spectral analysis regression model (Lenk and Choi, 2015) for estimating shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. For enforcing shape-restrictions, they assumed that the derivatives of the functions are squares of Gaussian processes.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response through an unknown shape-restricted function. The model for estimating shape-restricted functions is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+k=1Kfk(xi,k)+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \sum_{k=1}^K f_k(x_{i,k}) + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where fkf_k is an unknown shape-restricted function of the scalar xi,k[0,1]x_{i,k} \in [0,1] and the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from a normal distribution, N(0,σ2)N(0,\sigma^2).

The prior of function without shape restriction is:

f(x)=Z(x),f(x) = Z(x),

where ZZ is a second-order Gaussian process with mean function equal to zero and covariance function ν(s,t)=E[Z(s)Z(t)]\nu(s,t) = E[Z(s)Z(t)] for s,t[0,1]s, t \in [0, 1]. The Gaussian process is expressed with the spectral representation based on cosine basis functions:

Z(x)=j=0θjφj(x)Z(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x)

φ0(x)=1  and  φj(x)=2cos(πjx), j1, 0x1\varphi_0(x) = 1 ~~ \code{and} ~~ \varphi_j(x) = \sqrt{2}\cos(\pi j x), ~ j \ge 1, ~ 0 \le x \le 1

The shape-restricted functions are modeled by assuming the qqth derivatives of ff are squares of Gaussian processes:

f(q)(x)=δZ2(x)h(x),  δ{1,1},  q{1,2},f^{(q)}(x) = \delta Z^2(x)h(x), ~~ \delta \in \{1, -1\}, ~~ q \in \{1, 2\},

where hh is the squish function. For monotonic, monotonic convex, and concave functions, h(x)=1h(x)=1, while for S and U shaped functions, hh is defined by

h(x)=1exp[ψ(xω)]1+exp[ψ(xω)],  ψ>0,  0<ω<1h(x) = \frac{1 - \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}{1 + \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}, ~~ \psi > 0, ~~ 0 < \omega < 1

For the spectral coefficients of functions without shape constraints, the scale-invariant prior is used (The intercept is included in β\beta):

θjσ,τ,γN(0,σ2τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_j | \sigma, \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \sigma^2\tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

The priors for the spectral coefficients of shape restricted functions are:

θ0σN(mθ0,σvθ02),θjσ,τ,γN(mθj,στ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_0 | \sigma \sim N(m_{\theta_0}, \sigma v^2_{\theta_0}), \quad \theta_j | \sigma, \tau, \gamma \sim N(m_{\theta_j}, \sigma\tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

To complete the model specification, the conjugate priors are assumed for β\beta and σ\sigma:

βσN(m0,β,σ2V0,β),σ2IG(r0,σ2,s0,σ2)\beta | \sigma \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, \sigma^2V_{0,\beta}), \quad \sigma^2 \sim IG\left(\frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2}, \frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\right)


An object of class bsam representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood for linear regression model.

log marginal likelihood using Gelfand-Dey method.

log marginal likelihood using Netwon-Raftery method, which is biased.


correlation between yy and y^\hat{y}.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017) Bayesian Analysis of Shape-Restricted Functions using Gaussian Process Priors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 43-69.

Gelfand, A. E. and Dey, K. K. (1994) Bayesian model choice: asymptotics and exact calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 501-514.

Newton, M. A. and Raftery, A. E. (1994) Approximate Bayesian inference with the weighted likelihood bootstrap (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 3-48.

See Also



## Not run: 

# Increasing Convex to Concave (S-shape) #

# simulate data
f <- function(x) 5*exp(-10*(x - 1)^4) + 5*x^2


n <- 100
x <- runif(n)
y <- f(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 1)

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- bsar(y ~ fs(x), nbasis = nbasis, shape = 'IncreasingConvex',
             spm.adequacy = TRUE)

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# Trace plots

# fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# Plot
plot(fit, ask = TRUE)

# Additive Model                            #
# Monotone-Increasing and Increasing-Convex #

# Simulate data
f1 <- function(x) 2*pi*x + sin(2*pi*x)
f2 <- function(x) exp(6*x - 3)

n <- 200
x1 <- runif(n)
x2 <- runif(n)
x <- cbind(x1, x2)

y <- 5 + f1(x1) + f2(x2) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.5)

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# MCMC parameters
mcmc <- list(nblow0 = 1000, nblow = 10000, nskip = 10,
             smcmc = 5000, ndisp = 1000, maxmodmet = 10)

# Prior information
xmin <- apply(x, 2, min)
xmax <- apply(x, 2, max)
xrange <- xmax - xmin
prior <- list(iflagprior = 0, theta0_m0 = 0, theta0_s0 = 100,
              tau2_m0 = 1, tau2_v0 = 100, w0 = 2,
              beta_m0 = numeric(1), beta_v0 = diag(100,1),
              sigma2_m0 = 1, sigma2_v0 = 1000,
              alpha_m0 = 3, alpha_s0 = 50, iflagpsi = 1,
              psifixed = 1000, omega_m0 = (xmin + xmax)/2,
              omega_s0 = (xrange)/8)

# Fit the model with user specific priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- bsar(y ~ fs(x1) + fs(x2), nbasis = nbasis, mcmc = mcmc, prior = prior,
             shape = c('Increasing', 'IncreasingS'))

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

## End(Not run)

Bayesian Spectral Analysis Regression for Big data


This function fits a Bayesian spectral analysis regression model for Big data.


bsarBig(formula, nbasis, nint, mcmc = list(), prior = list(), verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 500.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response, tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws and the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().

See Also



# Ttrue function
ftrue <- function(x){
  ft <- 7*exp(-3*x) + 2*exp(-70*(x-.6)^2) - 2 + 5*x

# Generate data

nobs <- 100000 # Number of observations
sigmat <- .5 # True sigma
nxgrid <- 500 # number of grid points: approximate likelihood & plots

xdata <- runif(nobs) # Generate x values
fobst <- ftrue(xdata) # True f at observations
ydata <- fobst + sigmat*rnorm(nobs)

# Compute grid on 0 to 1
xdelta <- 1/nxgrid
xgrid <- seq(xdelta/2, 1-xdelta/2, xdelta)
xgrid <- matrix(xgrid,nxgrid)
fxgridt <- ftrue(xgrid) # True f on xgrid

# Fit data
fout <- bsarBig(ydata ~ xdata, nbasis = 50, nint = nxgrid, verbose = TRUE)

# Plots
smcmc <- fout$mcmc$smcmc
t <- 1:smcmc
matplot(t, fout$mcmc.draws$theta, type = "l", main = "Theta", xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Draw")
plot(t, fout$mcmc.draws$sigma, type = "l", main = "Sigma", xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Draw")
matplot(t, fout$mcmc.draws$tau, type = "l", main = "Tau", xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Draw")
matplot(t, fout$mcmc.draws$gamma, type = "l", main = "Gamma", xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "Draw")
matplot(fout$fit.draws$xgrid, cbind(fxgridt, fout$post.est$fhatm, fout$post.est$fhatq),
        type = "l", main = "Regression Function", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y")

# Compute RMISE for regression function
sse <- (fout$post.est$fhatm - fxgridt)^2
rmise <- intgrat(sse, 1/nxgrid)
rmise <- sqrt(rmise)

Bayesian Shape-Restricted Spectral Analysis Regression with Dirichlet Process Mixture Errors


This function fits a Bayesian semiparametric regression model to estimate shape-restricted functions using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors. The model assumes that the errors follow a Dirichlet process mixture model.


bsardpm(formula, xmin, xmax, nbasis, nint,
mcmc = list(), prior = list(), egrid, ngrid, location = TRUE,
shape = c('Free', 'Increasing', 'Decreasing', 'IncreasingConvex', 'DecreasingConcave',
'IncreasingConcave', 'DecreasingConvex', 'IncreasingS', 'DecreasingS',
verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


a vector or scalar giving user-specific minimum values of x. The default values are minimum values of x.


a vector or scalar giving user-specific maximum values of x. The default values are maximum values of x.


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 200.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow0 (1000) giving the number of initialization period for adaptive metropolis, maxmodmet (5) giving the maximum number of times to modify metropolis, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): iflagprior choosing a smoothing prior for spectral coefficients (iflagprior=0 assigns T-Smoother prior (default), iflagprior=1 chooses Lasso-Smoother prior), theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the spectral coefficients (theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 are used when the functions have shape-restriction), tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior (When iflagprior=1, tau2_m0 is only used as the hyperparameter), beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, sigma2_m0 and sigma2_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the inverse gamma prior for the scale parameter of response, alpha_m0 and alpha_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the constant of integration, iflagpsi determining the prior of slope for logisitic function in S or U shaped (iflagpsi=1 (default), slope ψ\psi is sampled and iflagpsi=0, ψ\psi is fixed), psifixed giving initial value (iflagpsi=1) or fixed value (iflagpsi=0) of slope, omega_m0 and omega_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the inflection point of S or U shaped function.


a vector giving grid points where the residual density estimate is evaluated. The default range is from -10 to 10.


a vector giving number of grid points where the residual density estimate is evaluated. The default value is 500.


a logical value. If it is true, error density is modelled using location-scale mixture.


a vector giving types of shape restriction.


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian spectral analysis regression model for estimating shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. For enforcing shape-restrictions, the model assumes that the derivatives of the functions are squares of Gaussian processes. The model also assumes that the errors follow a Dirichlet process mixture model.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response through an unknown shape-restricted function. The model for estimating shape-restricted functions is as follows.

yi=wiTβ+k=1Kfk(xi,k)+ϵi, i=1,,n,y_i = w_i^T\beta + \sum_{k=1}^K f_k(x_{i,k}) + \epsilon_i, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where fkf_k is an unknown shape-restricted function of the scalar xi,k[0,1]x_{i,k} \in [0,1] and the error terms {ϵi}\{\epsilon_i\} are a random sample from a Dirichlet process mixture model,

1. scale mixture :

ϵif(ϵ)=N(ϵ;0,σ2)dG(σ2),\epsilon_i \sim f(\epsilon) = \int N(\epsilon; 0,\sigma^2)dG(\sigma^2),

GDP(M,G0),  G0=Ga(σ2;r0,σ2,s0,σ2).G \sim DP(M,G0), ~~ G0 = Ga\left(\sigma^{-2}; \frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2},\frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\right).

2. location-scale mixture :

ϵif(ϵ)=N(ϵ;μ,σ2)dG(μ,σ2),\epsilon_i \sim f(\epsilon) = \int N(\epsilon; \mu,\sigma^2)dG(\mu,\sigma^2),

GDP(M,G0),  G0=N(μ;μ0,κσ2)Ga(σ2;r0,σ2,s0,σ2).G \sim DP(M,G0), ~~ G0 = N\left(\mu;\mu_0,\kappa\sigma^2\right)Ga\left(\sigma^{-2}; \frac{r_{0,\sigma}}{2},\frac{s_{0,\sigma}}{2}\right).

The prior of function without shape restriction is:

f(x)=Z(x),f(x) = Z(x),

where ZZ is a second-order Gaussian process with mean function equal to zero and covariance function ν(s,t)=E[Z(s)Z(t)]\nu(s,t) = E[Z(s)Z(t)] for s,t[0,1]s, t \in [0, 1]. The Gaussian process is expressed with the spectral representation based on cosine basis functions:

Z(x)=j=0θjφj(x)Z(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x)

φ0(x)=1  and  φj(x)=2cos(πjx), j1, 0x1\varphi_0(x) = 1 ~~ \code{and} ~~ \varphi_j(x) = \sqrt{2}\cos(\pi j x), ~ j \ge 1, ~ 0 \le x \le 1

The shape-restricted functions are modeled by assuming the qqth derivatives of ff are squares of Gaussian processes:

f(q)(x)=δZ2(x)h(x),  δ{1,1},  q{1,2},f^{(q)}(x) = \delta Z^2(x)h(x), ~~ \delta \in \{1, -1\}, ~~ q \in \{1, 2\},

where hh is the squish function. For monotonic, monotonic convex, and concave functions, h(x)=1h(x)=1, while for S and U shaped functions, hh is defined by

h(x)=1exp[ψ(xω)]1+exp[ψ(xω)],  ψ>0,  0<ω<1h(x) = \frac{1 - \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}{1 + \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}, ~~ \psi > 0, ~~ 0 < \omega < 1

For the spectral coefficients of functions without shape constraints, the scale-invariant prior is used (The intercept is included in β\beta):

θjτ,γN(0,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

The priors for the spectral coefficients of shape restricted functions are:

θ0N(mθ0,vθ02),θjτ,γN(mθj,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_0 \sim N(m_{\theta_0}, v^2_{\theta_0}), \quad \theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(m_{\theta_j}, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

To complete the model specification, the popular normal prior is assumed for β\beta:

βN(m0,β,V0,β)\beta | \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta})


An object of class bsam representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log pseudo marginal likelihood using Mukhopadhyay and Gelfand method.


the number of times to modify Metropolis.


proportion of θ\theta accepted after burn-in.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017) Bayesian Analysis of Shape-Restricted Functions using Gaussian Process Priors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 43-69.

MacEachern, S. N. and Müller, P. (1998) Estimating mixture of Dirichlet process models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 223-238.

Mukhopadhyay, S. and Gelfand, A. E. (1997) Dirichlet process mixed generalized linear models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 633-639.

Neal, R. M. (2000) Markov chain sampling methods for Dirichlet process mixture models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9, 249-265.

See Also

bsar, bsaqdpm


## Not run: 
# Increasing-convex #

# Simulate data

n <- 200
x <- runif(n)
e <- c(rnorm(n/2, sd = 0.5), rnorm(n/2, sd = 3))
y <- exp(6*x - 3) + e

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- bsardpm(y ~ fs(x), nbasis = nbasis, shape = 'IncreasingConvex')

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# Plot
plot(fit, ask = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Cadmium dose-response meta data


This dataset includes minimal information of NCC-2012 meta data.




A data frame with 190 observations on the following 5 variables.


a numeric vector with 1 : Female, 0 : Male, 0.5 : Unknown or both


a integer vector with 1 : Asian, 2 : Caucasian


a numeric vector of Geometric means of urinary cadmium


a numeric vector of Geometric means of Beta2-Microglobulin


a logical vector whether the observation is older than 50


Lee, Minjea, Choi, Taeryon; Kim, Jeongseon; Woo, Hae Dong (2013) Bayesian Analysis of Dose-Effect Relationship of Cadmium for Benchmark Dose Evaluation. Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 26(3), 453–470.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Electricity demand data


The Elec.demand data consists of 288 quarterly observations in Ontario from 1971 to 1994.




A data frame with 288 observations on the following 7 variables.


date (yyyy-mm) from 1971 to 1994


electricity demand.


gross domestic product.


price of electricity.


price of natural gas.


the number of heating degree days relative to a reference temperature.


the number of cooling degree days relative to a reference temperature.


Yatchew, A. (2003). Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician. Cambridge University Press.


Engle, R. F., Granger, C. W. J., Rice, J. and Weiss, A. (1986). Semiparametric estimates of the relation between weather and electricity sales. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 81, 310-320.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017). Bayesian analysis of shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 43-69.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Compute fitted values for a blm object


Computes pointwise posterior means and 95% credible intervals of the fitted Bayesian linear models.


## S3 method for class 'blm'
fitted(object, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsam object


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list containing posterior means and 95% credible intervals.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for regression function.


posterior estimates for generalised regression function.


Chen, M., Shao, Q. and Ibrahim, J. (2000) Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian computation. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

See Also

blq, blr, gblr


## See examples for blq and blr

Compute fitted values for a bsad object


Computes pointwise posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals of the fitted Bayesian spectral analysis density estimation model.


## S3 method for class 'bsad'
fitted(object, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsad object


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list object of class fitted.bsad containing posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals. Generic function plot displays the results of the fit.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for parametric model.


posterior estimates for semiparametric model.


posterior estimates for semiparametric model with maximum number of basis.

See Also



## See examples for bsad

Compute fitted values for a bsam object


Computes pointwise posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals of the fitted Bayesian spectral analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'bsam'
fitted(object, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsam object


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list object of class fitted.bsam containing posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals. Generic function plot displays the results of the fit.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for unknown functions over observation.


posterior estimates for unknown functions over grid points.


posterior estimates for parametric part.


posterior estimates for fitted values of response. For gbsar, it gives posterior estimates for expectation of response.

See Also

bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, bsardpm


## See examples for bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, and bsardpm

Compute fitted values for a bsamdpm object


Computes pointwise posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals of the fitted Bayesian spectral analysis models with Dirichlet process mixture error.


## S3 method for class 'bsamdpm'
fitted(object, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsamdpm object


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list object of class fitted.bsamdpm containing posterior means and 95% credible intervals. Generic function plot displays the results of the fit.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimate for unknown error distribution over grid points.


posterior estimates for unknown functions over observation.


posterior estimates for unknown functions over grid points.


posterior estimates for parametric part.


posterior estimates for fitted values of response.

See Also

bsaqdpm, bsardpm


## See examples for bsaqdpm and bsardpm

Specify a Fourier Basis Fit in a BSAM Formula


A symbolic wrapper to indicate a nonparametric term in a formula argument to bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, bsardpm, and gbsar.





a vector of the univariate covariate for nonparametric component


## Not run: 

# fit x using a Fourier basis
y ~ w + fs(x)

# fit x1 and x2 using a Fourier basis
y ~ fs(x1) + fs(x2)

## End(Not run)

Generalized Bayesian Linear Models


This function fits a Bayesian generalized linear regression model.


gblr(formula, data = NULL, family, link, mcmc = list(), prior = list(),
marginal.likelihood = TRUE, algorithm = c('AM', 'KS'), verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


an optional data frame.


a description of the error distribution to be used in the model: The family contains bernoulli (“bernoulli”), poisson (“poisson”), negative-binomial (“negative.binomial”), poisson-gamma mixture (“poisson.gamma”).


a description of the link function to be used in the model.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, kappa_m0 and kappa_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the gammal prior distribution for dispersion parameter (negative-binomial).


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated. The methods of Gelfand and Dey (1994) is used.


a description of the algorithm to be used in the fitting of the logistic model: The algorithm contains the Gibbs sampler based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution (KS) and an adaptive Metropolis algorithm (AM).


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian generalized linear regression models.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. The model is as follows.

yiμiF(μi),y_i | \mu_i \sim F(\mu_i),

g(μi)=wiTβ, i=1,,n,g(\mu_i) = w_i^T\beta, ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where g()g(\cdot) is a link function and F()F(\cdot) is a distribution of an exponential family.

For unknown coefficients, the following prior is assumed for β\beta:

βN(m0,β,V0,β)\beta \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta})

The prior for the dispersion parameter of negative-binomial regression is

κGa(r0,s0)\kappa \sim Ga(r_0, s_0)


An object of class blm representing the generalized Bayesian linear model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.


log marginal likelihood using Gelfand-Dey method.


the family object used.


the link object used.


the method object used in the logit model.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Albert, J. H. and Chib, S. (1993) Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 669-679.

Holmes, C. C. and Held, L. (2006) Bayesian Auxiliary Variables Models for Binary and Multinomial Regression. Bayesian Analysis, 1, 145-168.

Gelfand, A. E. and Dey, K. K. (1994) Bayesian Model Choice: Asymptotics and Exact Calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 501-514.

Roberts, G. O. and Rosenthal, J. S. (2009) Examples of Adaptive MCMC. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18, 349-367.

See Also

blr, blq


# Poisson Regression Model #

# Simulate data

n <- 100
x <- runif(n)
y <- rpois(n, exp(0.5 + x*0.4))

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- gblr(y ~ x, family = 'poisson', link = 'log')

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# Plot

# fitted values
fitf <- fitted(fout)

Bayesian Shape-Restricted Spectral Analysis for Generalized Partial Linear Models


This function fits a Bayesian generalized partial linear regression model to estimate shape-restricted functions using a spectral analysis of Gaussian process priors.


gbsar(formula, xmin, xmax, family, link, nbasis, nint, mcmc = list(), prior = list(),
shape = c('Free','Increasing','Decreasing','IncreasingConvex','DecreasingConcave',
marginal.likelihood = TRUE, algorithm = c('AM', 'KS'), verbose = FALSE)



an object of class “formula


a vector or scalar giving user-specific minimum values of x. The default values are minimum values of x.


a vector or scalar giving user-specific maximum values of x. The default values are maximum values of x.


a description of the error distribution to be used in the model: The family contains bernoulli (“bernoulli”), poisson (“poisson”), negative-binomial (“negative.binomial”), poisson-gamma mixture (“poisson.gamma”).


a description of the link function to be used in the model.


number of cosine basis functions.


number of grid points where the unknown function is evaluated for plotting. The default is 200.


a list giving the MCMC parameters. The list includes the following integers (with default values in parentheses): nblow0 (1000) giving the number of initialization period for adaptive metropolis, maxmodmet (5) giving the maximum number of times to modify metropolis, nblow (10000) giving the number of MCMC in transition period, nskip (10) giving the thinning interval, smcmc (1000) giving the number of MCMC for analysis, and ndisp (1000) giving the number of saved draws to be displayed on screen (the function reports on the screen when every ndisp iterations have been carried out).


a list giving the prior information. The list includes the following parameters (default values specify the non-informative prior): iflagprior choosing a smoothing prior for spectral coefficients (iflagprior=0 assigns T-Smoother prior (default), iflagprior=1 chooses Lasso-Smoother prior), theta_m0, theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 giving the hyperparameters for prior distribution of the spectral coefficients (theta0_m0 and theta0_s0 are used when the functions have shape-restriction), tau2_m0, tau2_s0 and w0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of smoothing prior (When iflagprior=1, tau2_m0 is only used as the hyperparameter), beta_m0 and beta_v0 giving the hyperparameters of the multivariate normal distribution for parametric part including intercept, alpha_m0 and alpha_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the constant of integration, iflagpsi determining the prior of slope for logisitic function in S or U shaped (iflagpsi=1 (default), slope ψ\psi is sampled and iflagpsi=0, ψ\psi is fixed), psifixed giving initial value (iflagpsi=1) or fixed value (iflagpsi=0) of slope, omega_m0 and omega_s0 giving the prior mean and standard deviation of the truncated normal prior distribution for the inflection point of S or U shaped function, kappa_m0 and kappa_v0 giving the prior mean and variance of the gammal prior distribution for dispersion parameter (negative-binomial).


a vector giving types of shape restriction.


a logical variable indicating whether the log marginal likelihood is calculated. The methods of Gelfand and Dey (1994) and Newton and Raftery (1994) are used.


a description of the algorithm to be used in the fitting of the logistic model: The algorithm contains the Gibbs sampler based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution (KS) and an adaptive Metropolis algorithm (AM).


a logical variable. If TRUE, the iteration number and the Metropolis acceptance rate are printed to the screen.


This generic function fits a Bayesian generalized partial linear regression models for estimating shape-restricted functions using Gaussian process priors. For enforcing shape-restrictions, they assumed that the derivatives of the functions are squares of Gaussian processes.

Let yiy_i and wiw_i be the response and the vector of parametric predictors, respectively. Further, let xi,kx_{i,k} be the covariate related to the response through an unknown shape-restricted function. The model for estimating shape-restricted functions is as follows.

yiμiF(μi),y_i | \mu_i \sim F(\mu_i),

g(μi)=wiTβ+k=1Kfk(xi,k), i=1,,n,g(\mu_i) = w_i^T\beta + \sum_{k=1}^K f_k(x_{i,k}), ~ i=1,\ldots,n,

where g()g(\cdot) is a link function and fkf_k is an unknown nonlinear function of the scalar xi,k[0,1]x_{i,k} \in [0,1].

The prior of function without shape restriction is:

f(x)=Z(x),f(x) = Z(x),

where ZZ is a second-order Gaussian process with mean function equal to zero and covariance function ν(s,t)=E[Z(s)Z(t)]\nu(s,t) = E[Z(s)Z(t)] for s,t[0,1]s, t \in [0, 1]. The Gaussian process is expressed with the spectral representation based on cosine basis functions:

Z(x)=j=0θjφj(x)Z(x) = \sum_{j=0}^\infty \theta_j\varphi_j(x)

φ0(x)=1  and  φj(x)=2cos(πjx), j1, 0x1\varphi_0(x) = 1 ~~ \code{and} ~~ \varphi_j(x) = \sqrt{2}\cos(\pi j x), ~ j \ge 1, ~ 0 \le x \le 1

The shape-restricted functions are modeled by assuming the qqth derivatives of ff are squares of Gaussian processes:

f(q)(x)=δZ2(x)h(x),  δ{1,1},  q{1,2},f^{(q)}(x) = \delta Z^2(x)h(x), ~~ \delta \in \{1, -1\}, ~~ q \in \{1, 2\},

where hh is the squish function. For monotonic, monotonic convex, and concave functions, h(x)=1h(x)=1, while for S and U shaped functions, hh is defined by

h(x)=1exp[ψ(xω)]1+exp[ψ(xω)],  ψ>0,  0<ω<1h(x) = \frac{1 - \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}{1 + \exp[\psi(x - \omega)]}, ~~ \psi > 0, ~~ 0 < \omega < 1

For the spectral coefficients of functions without shape constraints, the following prior is used (The intercept is included in β\beta):

θjτ,γN(0,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(0, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

The priors for the spectral coefficients of shape restricted functions are:

θ0N(mθ0,vθ02),θjτ,γN(mθj,τ2exp[jγ]), j1\theta_0 | \sim N(m_{\theta_0}, v^2_{\theta_0}), \quad \theta_j | \tau, \gamma \sim N(m_{\theta_j}, \tau^2\exp[-j\gamma]), ~ j \ge 1

To complete the model specification, the following prior is assumed for β\beta:

βN(m0,β,V0,β)\beta | \sim N(m_{0,\beta}, V_{0,\beta})


An object of class bsam representing the Bayesian spectral analysis model fit. Generic functions such as print, fitted and plot have methods to show the results of the fit.

The MCMC samples of the parameters in the model are stored in the list mcmc.draws, the posterior samples of the fitted values are stored in the list fit.draws, and the MCMC samples for the log marginal likelihood are saved in the list loglik.draws. The output list also includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for all parameters in the model.

log marginal likelihood using Gelfand-Dey method.

log marginal likelihood using Netwon-Raftery method, which is biased.


the family object used.


the link object used.


the matched call.


running time of Markov chain from system.time().


Jo, S., Choi, T., Park, B. and Lenk, P. (2019). bsamGP: An R Package for Bayesian Spectral Analysis Models Using Gaussian Process Priors. Journal of Statistical Software, 90, 310-320.

Lenk, P. and Choi, T. (2017) Bayesian Analysis of Shape-Restricted Functions using Gaussian Process Priors. Statistica Sinica, 27, 43-69.

Roberts, G. O. and Rosenthal, J. S. (2009) Examples of Adaptive MCMC. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18, 349-367.

Holmes, C. C. and Held, L. (2006) Bayesian Auxiliary Variables Models for Binary and Multinomial Regression. Bayesian Analysis, 1, 145-168.

Gelfand, A. E. and Dey, K. K. (1994) Bayesian model choice: asymptotics and exact calculations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 501-514.

Newton, M. A. and Raftery, A. E. (1994) Approximate Bayesian inference with the weighted likelihood bootstrap (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B - Statistical Methodology, 56, 3-48.

Albert, J. H. and Chib, S. (1993) Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 669-679.

See Also

bsaq, bsar


## Not run: 
# Probit Regression Model #

# Simulate data

f <- function(x) 1.5 * sin(pi * x)

n <- 1000
b <- c(1,-1)
rho <- 0.7
u  <- runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
x  <- runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
w1 <- runif(n, min = -1, max = 1)
w2 <- round(f(rho * x + (1 - rho) * u))
w  <- cbind(w1, w2)

y  <- w %*% b + f(x) + rnorm(n)
y <- (y > 0)

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- gbsar(y ~ w1 + w2 + fs(x), family = "bernoulli", link = "probit",
              nbasis = nbasis, shape = 'Free')

# Summary
print(fout); summary(fout)

# fitted values
fit <- fitted(fout)

# Plot
plot(fit, ask = TRUE)

# Logistic Additive Regression Model #

# Wage-Union data
data(wage.union); attach(wage.union)

race[race==1 | race==2]=0

y <- union
w <- cbind(race,sex,south)
x <- cbind(wage,education,age)

# mcmc parameters
mcmc <- list(nblow0 = 10000,
             nblow = 10000,
             nskip = 10,
             smcmc = 1000,
             ndisp = 1000,
             maxmodmet = 10)

foutGBSAR <- gbsar(y ~ race + sex + south + fs(wage) + fs(education) + fs(age),
                   family = 'bernoulli', link = 'logit', nbasis = 50, mcmc = mcmc,
                   shape = c('Free','Decreasing','Increasing'))

# fitted values
fitGBSAR <- fitted(foutGBSAR)

# Plot
plot(fitGBSAR, ask = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Numerical integration using a simple Trapezoidal rule


Trapezoidal rule is a technique for approximating the definite integral.


intgrat(f, delta)



Function values to be integrated.


Spacing size.


intgrat returns the value of the intergral.

Numerical integration using Simpson's rule


Simpson's rule is a method for numerical integration.


intsim(f, delta)



Function values to be integrated.


Spacing size.


intsim returns the value of the intergral.

Daily Moratlity in London


The London.Mortality data consists of daily death occurrences from Jan. 1st, 1993 to Dec. 31st, 2006 and corresponding weather observations including temperature and humidity in London.




A data frame with 5113 observations on the following 7 variables.


date in YYYY-MM-DD.


Mean temperature.


Minimum dry-bulb temperature.


Maximum dry-bulb temperature.


Dew point.


Relative humidity.


the number of death occurences.


Office for National Statistics

British Atmospheric Data Centre


Armstrong BG, Chalabi Z, Fenn B, Hajat S, Kovats S, Milojevic A, Wilkinson P (2011). Association of mortality with high temperatures in a temperate climate: England and Wales. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 65(4), 340–345.

Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Kovats S, Wilkinson P (2012). The effect of high temperatures on cause-specific mortality in England and Wales. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 69(1), 56–61.

Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Tobias A, Tong S, Rocklöv J, Forsberg B, et al.(2015). Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multicountry observational study. The Lancet, 386(9991), 369-375.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

A Data Set for Plasma Levels of Retinol and Beta-Carotene


This data set contains 314 observations on 14 variables.





Age (years).


Sex (1=Male, 2=Female).


Smoking status (1=Never, 2=Former, 3=Current Smoker).


BMI values (weight/(height^2)).


Vitamin use (1=Yes,fairly often, 2=Yes, not often, 3=No).


Number of calories consumed per day.


Grams of fat consumed per day.


Grams of fiber consumed per day.


Number of alcoholic drinks consumed per week.


Cholesterol consumed (mg per day).

beta diet

Dietary beta-carotene consumed (mcg per day).


Dietary retinol consumed (mcg per day).


Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml).


Plasma Retinol (ng/ml).



Nierenberg, D. W., Stukel, T. A., Baron, J. A., Dain, B. J., and Greenberg, E. R. (1989). Determinants of plasma levels of beta-carotene and retinol. American Journal of Epidemiology, 130, 511-521.

Meyer, M. C., Hackstadt, A. J., and Hoeting, J. A. (2011). Bayesian estimation and inference for generalized partial linear models using shape-restricted splines. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 23(4), 867-884.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Plot a blm object


Plots the posterior samples for Bayesian linear models


## S3 method for class 'blm'
plot(x, ...)



a blm object


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

blq, blr


## See examples for blq and blr

Plot a bsad object


Plots the posterior samples for Bayesian semiparametric density estimation using a logistic Gaussian process.


## S3 method for class 'bsad'
plot(x, ...)



a bsad object


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also



## See examples for bsad

Plot a bsam object


Plots the posterior samples for Bayesian spectral analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'bsam'
plot(x, ...)



a bsam object


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, bsardpm


## See examples for bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, and bsardpm

Plot a bsamdpm object


Plots the posterior samples for Bayesian spectral analysis models with Dirichlet process mixture error.


## S3 method for class 'bsamdpm'
plot(x, ...)



a bsamdpm object


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

bsaqdpm, bsardpm


## See examples for bsaqdpm and bsardpm

Plot a fitted.bsad object


Plots the predictive density for Bayesian density estimation model using logistic Gaussian process


## S3 method for class 'fitted.bsad'
plot(x, ggplot2, legend.position, nbins, ...)



a fitted.bsad object


a logical variable. If TRUE the ggplot2 package is used.


the position of legends (“none”, “left”, “right”, “bottom”, “top”). It is used when ggplot2 = TRUE.


Number of bins used. Default is 30.


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

bsad, fitted.bsad


## See example for bsad

Plot a fitted.bsam object


Plots the data and the fit for Bayesian spectral analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'fitted.bsam'
plot(x, type, ask, ggplot2, legend.position, ...)



a fitted.bsam object


the type of fitted plot. The default is on the scale of the response variabletype="response"; the alternative type="term" is on the scale of the nonparametric predictor. Note that this affects only on glm type models. For example, binomial model with the default option gives the predicted probabilites.


see. par


a logical variable. If TRUE the ggplot2 package is used.


the position of legends (“none”, “left”, “right”, “bottom”, “top”). It is used when ggplot2 = TRUE.


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, bsardpm, fitted.bsam


## See examples for bsaq, bsaqdpm, bsar, and bsardpm

Plot a fitted.bsamdpm object


Plots the data and the fit for Bayesian spectral analysis models with Dirichlet process mixture error.


## S3 method for class 'fitted.bsamdpm'
plot(x, ask, ggplot2, legend.position, ...)



a fitted.bsamdpm object


see. par


a logical variable. If TRUE the ggplot2 package is used.


the position of legends (“none”, “left”, “right”, “bottom”, “top”). It is used when ggplot2 = TRUE.


other options to pass to the plotting functions


Returns a plot.

See Also

bsaqdpm, bsardpm, fitted.bsamdpm


## See examples for bsaqdpm and bsardpm

Predict method for a blm object


Computes predicted values of Bayesian linear models.


## S3 method for class 'blm'
predict(object, newdata, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsam object


an optional data matrix or vector with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are returned.


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list containing posterior means and 95% credible intervals.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for regression function.


posterior estimates for generalised regression function.


Chen, M., Shao, Q. and Ibrahim, J. (2000) Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian computation. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

See Also

blq, blr, gblr


## Not run: 
	# Simulated example #

	# Simulate data

	  n <- 100
	  w <- runif(n)
	  y <- 3 + 2*w + rnorm(n, sd = 0.8)

	  # Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
	  fout <- blr(y ~ w)

	  # Predict
	  new <- rnorm(n)
	  predict(fout, newdata = new)

## End(Not run)

Predict method for a bsam object


Computes the predicted values of Bayesian spectral analysis models.


## S3 method for class 'bsam'
predict(object, newp, newnp, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, type = "response", ...)



a bsam object


an optional data of parametric components with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are returned.


an optional data of nonparametric components with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are returned.


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


the type of prediction required. type = "response" gives the posterior predictive samples as default. The "mean" option returns expectation of the posterior estimates.


not used




A list object of class predict.bsam containing posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for unknown functions over observation.


posterior estimates for parametric part.


posterior estimates for fitted values of either response or expectation of response. For gbsar, it gives posterior estimates for expectation of response.


posterior estimates for fitted parametric residuals. Not applicable for gbsar.

See Also

bsaq, bsar, gbsar


## Not run: 

# Increasing Convex to Concave (S-shape) #

# simulate data
f <- function(x) 5*exp(-10*(x - 1)^4) + 5*x^2


n <- 100
x <- runif(n)
y <- f(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 1)

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- bsar(y ~ fs(x), nbasis = nbasis, shape = 'IncreasingConvex',
             spm.adequacy = TRUE)

# Prediction
xnew <- runif(n)
predict(fout, newnp = xnew)

## End(Not run)

Predict method for a bsamdpm object


Computes the predicted values of Bayesian spectral analysis models with Dirichlet process mixture errors.


## S3 method for class 'bsamdpm'
predict(object, newp, newnp, alpha = 0.05, HPD = TRUE, ...)



a bsamdpm object


an optional data of parametric components with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are returned.


an optional data of nonparametric components with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are returned.


a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1) giving the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.


a logical variable indicating whether the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals are calculated. If HPD=FALSE, the 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% equal-tail credible intervals are calculated. The default is TRUE.


not used




A list object of class predict.bsamdpm containing posterior means and 100(1α)100(1-\alpha)% credible intervals.

The output list includes the following objects:


posterior estimates for unknown functions over observation.


posterior estimates for parametric part.


posterior estimates for fitted values of response.

See Also

bsaqdpm, bsardpm


## Not run: 

# Increasing-convex #

# Simulate data

n <- 200
x <- runif(n)
e <- c(rnorm(n/2, sd = 0.5), rnorm(n/2, sd = 3))
y <- exp(6*x - 3) + e

# Number of cosine basis functions
nbasis <- 50

# Fit the model with default priors and mcmc parameters
fout <- bsardpm(y ~ fs(x), nbasis = nbasis, shape = 'IncreasingConvex')

# Prediction
xnew <- runif(n)
predict(fout, newnp = xnew)

## End(Not run)

The asymmetric Laplace distribution


Density for and random values from a three-parameter asymmetric Laplace distribution.


rald(n, location=0, scale=1, p=0.5)



Number of random values to be generated.


Location parameter.


Scale parameter.


Skewness parameter.


This generic function generates a random variable from an asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD). The ALD has the following probability density function:

ALDp(x;μ,σ)=p(1p)σexp((xμ)[pI(xμ)]σ),ALD_p(x ; \mu, \sigma) = \frac{p(1-p)}{\sigma}\exp\Big(-\frac{(x-\mu)[p-I(x\le\mu)]}{\sigma}\Big),

where 0<p<10 < p < 1 is the skew parameter, σ>0\sigma > 0 is the scale parameter, <μ<-\infty < \mu < \infty is the location parameter, and I()I(\cdot) is the indication function. The range of xx is (,)(-\infty, \infty).


rald gives out a vector of random numbers generated by the asymmetric Laplace distribution.


Koenker, R. and Machado, J. (1999). Goodness of fit and related inference processes for quantile regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94(3), 1296-1309.

Yu, K. and Zhang, J. (2005). A Three-parameter asymmetric Laplace distribution and its extension. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 34, 1867-1879.

Monthly traffic accidents data


This data set contains 108 observations on 6 variables.





logarithm of the number of monthly automobile accidents in the state of Michigan.


months from January 1st, 1979 to Decembe 31st, 1987.


logarithm of unemployment rate


indicator for spring season.


indicator for summer season.


indicator for fall season.


Lenk (1999) Bayesian inference for semiparametric regression using a Fourier representation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 61(4), 863-879.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Wage-Union data


This data set contains 534 observations on 11 variables.





number of years of education.


indicator of living in southern region of U.S.A.


gender indicator: 0=male,1=female.


number of years of work experience.


indicator of trade union membership: 0=non-member, 1=member.


wages in dollars per hour.


age in years.


1=black, 2=Hispanic, 3=white.


1=management, 2=sales, 3=clerical, 4=service, 5=professional, 6=other.


0=other, 1=manufacturing, 2=construction.


indicator of being married: 0=unmarried, 1=married.


Berndt, E.R. (1991) The Practice of Econometrics. New York: Addison-Wesley.

Ruppert, D., Wand, M.P. and Carroll, R.J. (2003) Semiparametric Regression. Cambridge University Press.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)